Strong Girls are Bea-YOU-tiful!


People can call you all sorts of things/names that don’t make them facts or truths on your end. What they say is up to them. Their opinion of you doesn’t become your life. Their preconceived idea of you doesn’t become your truth.

I’ve been called all sorts of names while growing up. The most prominent one that nearly ruined little me was “Kyakula Ssaja” which means a girl whose features and body structure is like that of a boy.


In other words, a girl is too ugly to be called a girl according to societal norms and standards that she qualifies to be called a boy. I don’t know how being ugly correlates with being or becoming a boy but that’s how an ignorant society thinks. This is how we’ve damaged so many girls and boys into thinking they aren’t enough of their gender because of certain qualities, characteristics, and features they possess which in our shallow minds we’ve tagged to certain genders.


A girl having a deep voice doesn’t mean she’s a man. A boy having soft hands doesn’t make him a woman.

We’ve even taken it to basic things like shorts and vests being men’s wear only even when on the inside of their shirts, girls wear vests. We used to do it in High school; wearing a vest inside our school shirts.

However, it’s sad that muscles popping out of my calves are considered male muscles even when they come out of a female body. Girls have muscles too! Sorry you didn’t know that. Lol. I get saddened by that shallow view of things.


Only female muscles come out of a female body not the vice versa. That is it. If you hear me speak in a deep voice, and I didn’t take any depressants or chemicals to enhance my voice, rest assured that there ain’t any female more feminine than I am.


I believe I am the most feminine female there is with my deep voice and deep love for sporty activities especially the gym. It’s not my fault that you’ve never met a female like me.

Just because your mind is too small to comprehend a female like me doesn’t make me a male. I’m as female as it gets. This is it. And I love it.


My version of femininity is awesome. It’s beautiful. The most gorgeous there is. A female with slouchy shoulders is just as female as one with straight posture or back.

Having tight calves doesn’t make you male. Toned arms don’t make you a man. You’re a woman. Complete and full! Beautiful in your version.

Ignorant society and its inhabitants shouldn’t inform you of what your truth is. If you were naturally made by God with female genitalia, you’re a woman. Deep voice, tight calves, small, thick, flat chest, round bossom…you’re the most beautiful woman there is.

‘Take off all my makeup, cause I love what’s under it.” Ps: If you know where that line is from, you and I are best friends. Love your stretch marks. Love your flat chest. Love your curves. Whatever it is you have as a natural born woman (one born with female genitalia) makes you feminine. Don’t be bullied into wanting to become a man just because according to society, you weren’t born with tastes, preferences and features in their minds that they consider feminine.


The most feminine female there is. Yes, even with your love for sports, the gym, disorganized room or not. Traits are not gender roles.

Giving birth through a vagina, growing a baby in a womb…only such biological features should be assigned to particular genders. A penis is to a male as a vagina is to a female. That’s all.

But you cannot wake up one morning and say, “being organised is for women and disorganisation is for men.” It’s like saying that a neat man is a woman just because he’s neat. That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard. Broaden your understanding of things so that you don’t sound stupid.


Growing up helped me understand so many things. I discovered that people go to the gym to get the kind of structure I was born with. Toned arms, calves, built shoulders…these are things people work their butts off in the gym for. It’s funny really. If you think deeply about it, people insult what they envy because they can’t have it as easily as you. Don’t conform to their standards. Be you. Be who you were naturally created to be. Do not force yourself to be like another. It will never work. I promise you that.


You’re better as yourself anyway!

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