How To Set Yourself Up For Success

If you wanna have an easy life, have a plan and stick to it. Leave some wiggle room for a few adjustments and unexpected occurrences.

You have to prepare yourself for when it rains because even if you don’t prepare yourself for when it rains, it will rain. Problem is when it does rain, you will find yourself under being hammered by it without a covering because you didn’t make one. You won’t have where to run when it rains because you did not prepare for the rain.

I see people start families without a plan and the problem is when they start those families I think to them self oh we’ll figure it out. Newsflash they never figure it out. The only thing they figure out or know how to do best is creating more cycles of generational poverty, and that’s it.

Whenever you fail to plan you planning to fail that’s what they say. Whenever you fail to plan you are planning to have the rain hammer you down.

Knowing how to handle your business as a single person, you would know how to handle them when the kids come. When the kids come if you didn’t have a plan before they came, things are only going to get worse. It’s not the scenario for everybody but that is the most likely path you’re going to take when the children come especially when it comes to finances.

Every kid comes out of the womb with an excess budget. Expenditures are going to go high when you get a kid. Many of the business plans are going to get put on hold so that you take care of your kid because let’s be fair every good parent wants what’s best for their child. Secondly, they didn’t ask to be here so it’s only fair that we try and give them a good enough ride. Many things are going to be put on hold once you have a kid. It just happens.

You need to plan for the rain. Planning for the rain starts with you. You plan for the rain not to hit you. Then you plan for the rain not to hit your children. It does not happen in reverse mode. You don’t begin planning for the rain after it has rained. You plan for the rain before it rains.

If you look at it clearly, getting married and having kids is a form of rain that we ought to prepare for if we want it. We don’t wait for it to hit us then plan for it. That’s how you keep your family’s generational curse of poverty going. Preparation for the rain (rain prep) requires sacrifices from yourself.

You make all sorts of changes and sacrifices if you intend to dance in the rain without getting wet. Some of these sacrifices include time. You take time out of your life and plan for the rain. You take time off and invest in businesses that will create a suitable income base for you to live a life of financial freedom.

Human beings need that base. We need something to fall back to. Something to give our subconscious a sense of security. That security creates a confidence in us to take care of not only ourselves but also the people we might have to live with under the rain. Or the rain itself for instance, kids in this case.

We grow up with the idea that we want our children to experience a life better than we did, and then somewhere along the way we compromise on the dream because we fail to plan and live according to the plan we made. We dodge preparation. Actually some of us dread preparation.

A friend of mine one time made me realize that each time I procrastinated the preparation process I was setting myself up for self sabotage. Every time you refuse to prepare you are self sabotaging.

You are ruining your chances of success every time you refuse to prepare for the rain. So get up right now write down that plan and follow through with it for when it rains sometimes it pours. If it pours without you preparing for it, you’re gonna get drenched.

Nobody wants that because sometimes we never come back. We drown. Prepare now for when it pours then. Prepare for the rain. Because…it will rain. It’s inevitable.

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